Friday 7 March 2008

Yet more Voynich "solutions"...

I recently found a German Voynich Lexicon wiki-page, with lots of nice things that appear almost nowhere else (such as a link to my Compelling Press Voynich book page, *sigh*).

It has quite a light touch, reminiscent of my old Voynich friend Elmar Vogt: for example, it has a short "Newbold of the month" section pointing to two latter-day Voynich "solutions", neither of which I'd heard: Erhard Landmann's book, and Dirk Schroeder's kabbalistic numerology.

Perhaps more usefully, the site also has a list of Voynich media mentions, going from 2001 all the way up to 2008. OK, it's in German: but even so, you can get a good idea of what's being said about the VMs (and where). There's a link there to a 2007 Suddeutsche article I was interviewed for (and which I'd forgotten about until I saw it there just now).

But here's the punchline: the more Voynich coverage from around the world I see, the more it seems to me that the English-speaking world doesn't currently give a monkey's about the whole issue. With all due respect to the army of novelists out there slaving away on their Voynich-themed soon-to-be-masterpieces, you might consider avoiding making them too parochial: the translations may well make you more money...

Incidentally, I'm now 50 pages into Scarlett Thomas' novel "PopCo": I'll post a review here as soon as I've finished it...

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