Thursday, 7 February 2008

Michael Cordy's "The Source"...

A quick update on Michael Cordy's forthcoming Voynich-themed oeuvre: it has now been retitled "The Source" (let's just pray it's not re-released later on as "The Source Code", that would be awful), is due for hardback and softback release in August 2008, and can already (inevitably) be pre-ordered from Amazon.

I also dug up a (possibly deleted?) snippet from Google's cache of the My Irrationalities blog. This mentioned translations for France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Israel, and Poland: and Warner Bros optioning the film rights, with Akiva Goldman's Weed Road to produce. It sounds like it's all getting up a head of steam, let's hope the book delivers the goods.

You know, I'd really like to write The Source screenplay: that would be a lot of fun. Any offers, Mr Goldman? ;-)

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