Sunday 25 November 2007

At last, a proper art history link to the Voynich...

For over a year, I've been searching for a good Venetian document circa 1450-1460 that would illustrate the "parallel hatching" found in the Voynich Manuscript (particularly in the "nine rosette" map page). I knew there were examples out there, but hadn't been able to find any.

Well: now I have...

A link from the always-interesting Daily Grail led to a November 2007 Science Mode article, which in turn led me to the American Geographical Society's festival exhibition website, and from there to a reasonable-sized online scan of Giovanni Leardo's 1452 mappamundi (made in Venice). Click on the four quadrants to see zoomed-in versions.

There's much to be written on this, but for now, all I'll say is: look at the rendering of the four prophets in the four corners, and compare them closely with the detailing on the nine rosette map page. Wonderful, fantastic, amazing - finding this made my heart miss a beat, perhaps it will excite you too...

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